Crosshatching Video

In the Fall of 2020, I made videos for both my Basic Drawing class and my Engraving courses. At the time, I had minimal video editing, filming and animation experience. Still do! I learned a lot in the process of making videos and do things differently with what I know now. I kept almost all of these private until last year – which explains the date on the video.

Platemark Podcast Interview

Last year, I had the good fortune of being interviewed on the Platemark Podcast by Ann Shafer. It is an excellent recourse for printmaking history could serve as needed supplement for any printmaking course. Below is the youtube video of the episode –

When a graver slips…

I often get asked what do I do if I slip while I am engraving. This a portrait of my mother and I that I have been working on for awhile. I managed to slip on my face. Sometimes you can hide slips with additional like work, but that was not the case with this error. I walked away, took a deep breath and did what’s in the video below!